Berlin - Wilmersdorf

Berlin - Wilmersdorf


Wilmersdorf is an area of Berlin, formerly a borough but since 2001 part of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. The Kurfürstendamm runs through the area. Wilmersdorf was a village near Berlin (Deutsch-Wilmersdorf) and was made a part of “Greater Berlin” in 1920.

Wilmersdorf is one of the greenest districts in Berlin: the Grunewald Forest covers almost half of the district’s total area. Another superlative are the high real estate prices. With a few exceptions, Wilmersdorf is an upscale, well-kept residential area.

The district has a reputation as a rather sedate area. The so-called “Wilmersdorf widows” represent a politically conservative social class. They are usually single and wealthy, live in an old apartment furnished with period furniture, and like to go shopping at KaDeWe or on Ku’damm.

Wilmersdorf features numerous representative old buildings in the Wilhelminian architectural style, as well as city villas and noble single-family homes in the Grunewald district.

Today, the old district of Wilmersdorf belongs to the larger administrative district of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and is further divided into the districts of Wilmersdorf, Grunewald, Schmargendorf and Halensee.

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