Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg

Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg

Prenzlauer Berg

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Prenzlauer Berg, also known as “Prenzlberg”, first became a trendy district and then an area for well-to-do families. Trendy cafés, pubs, restaurants, bars and clubs turn day into night and the district into a tourist magnet. The areas around Kollwitzplatz and Helmholtzplatz are especially popular.

The supra-regional interest in Prenzlauer Berg, which 30 years ago was still a rather neglected district, probably stems from its beautiful residential flair. The district is the largest contiguous Wilhelminian style old building area in Germany. Picturesque squares and streets with thoroughly renovated blocks are not uncommon here, and there are always green spaces with playgrounds.

The attractiveness of the district has led to a construction boom in recent years. Gaps between buildings and wastelands have been closed by modern and high-quality new buildings, especially condominiums and townhouses. Next to the detached houses in Blumenviertel and the prefabricated concrete slab buildings on Michelangelostraße, they make for interesting visual contrast

Together with Pankow and Weißensee, the independent district of Prenzlauer Berg belongs to the larger administrative district of Pankow.

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