Buyer Finder

Buyer Finder

Buyer Finder - FAQs

Find the right buyer for your property

The Buyer Finder is an online tool that allows owners who are planning to sell to search for a suitable buyer. We can make a match based on our database of potential buyers and the details of your property. This allows buyers and owners to find each other more quickly.

To use the Buyer Finder, all relevant data on the potential property for sale must be entered in the online form. The information can then be sent to us at the click of a mouse.

Our team

We're here to help
Darrell Smith
+49 (0)30 2403 5668
Christian Nieprasch
National Sales Manager
+49 (0)30 2403 5668
Volkan Tüzel
International Broker
+49 (0)174 3438 037
Alp Karahan
Head Turkish Office
+90 (0)530 083 5888
Christine Smith
Customer Services
+49 (0)30 2403 5668
Hannah Robinson
Marketing Manager
+49 (0)30 2403 5668